Wednesday, November 3, 2010


As I have walked the halls of our own little school, I have caught that many feel there are differences in intelligence between students. The article “Take the Ultimate Intelligence Test” by Adrian M. Owen, talks about how Mr. Owen himself and a team created a test of questions that explore and challenge literally every nook and cranny of your brain. They understood that different layers of the brain are responsible for different types of thought. For example, the outer layers are responsible for higher thought, and the deeper structures are involved in memory. This test probes what they call “the 12 pillars of wisdom” to give you a true accurate measure of your intelligence, testing a broad range of cognitive skills that are believed to contribute to intelligence. Go to and measure your intelligence now! Give your opinion, do you think this score is or is not accurate? Do you feel this test truly measures your intelligence? If society started using the scores of these tests for job applicants, do you think they would increase, or decrease your probability of getting hired? If these tests are truly accurate, do you think society is really ready to answer the question; how intelligent is America? Go to the article at:
I do have the information about the test. The whole trial should run in less than half an hour, and consists of 12 tasks to explore your 12 Pillars of Wisdom. You can take a break at any time, and the test will save your answers, so don't fret if you can't get it all done at once. Also what is really cool about this test, is it is part of an actual study, and your results will give you a summary showing how you performed relative to the population. So show your smarts and have fun!


  1. I took the IQ test and it was very intesting. I do think this IQ test shows a lot of what you lack and what you are higher in. I do feel that everbody should tak this test and see where they are rated at. For putting these on application, I disagree with it because some of the test were a lot of memory and if someone doesn't have good memory doesn't mean they can't go far in places. For me in example. My memory is terrible but I still can handle the college classes, and still can handle remember plays for basketball and remember things that are important and if my job took a task to remember I would work hard to remember it because it is important to me. Truly I liked the IQ test, but i do not think it should run our life and how we are placed in this world.

  2. I do not think that this test truly measures your intelligence. I think it could be used as an exercise that helps us build our memorization and other cognitive skills. If society started using the scores of these test for job applications then I think it would decrease the probability of getting hired! Scores don’t always prove everything. Plus none of these “skills” has anything to do with common sense. But if these tests are truly accurate, I think we would be surprised by the results we would get in America. I think with so many computer games that kids find on the internet and play constantly, they would find this test fun and entertaining rather than a “test” to see how intelligent you are. I believe their score would be high. It has been proven that kids who play video games for a limited amount of time it can improve hand and eye coordination, imagination, and problem solving skills. All in all it’s a fun test/exercise!
