Thursday, October 28, 2010

Gene Therapy Proposed to Treat Depression

There are so many people in the world we live in who suffer from depression, but what treatment options are there for them? Testing for a new treatment that could cure depression in humans is underway: gene therapy. A lack of a gene called p11 has been shown to lead to depression in humans. Tests on mice have been conducted on mice that lack p11 and mice that are healthy. Viruses containing the gene were injected into the mice and reversed the depression in the mice. Similar procedures have been used for people who suffer from Parkinson’s disease. More tests are being conducted, now on primates to support a trial for human use.
Are they justified in using animals for testing if it is for a medical benefit? Is the lack of the gene p11 the only thing that causes depression, can people who don’t lack this gene become depressed?
To get more information, read the article at

1 comment:

  1. I think using animals for testing is alright, to a certain extent. Give the scientists credit they used mice (who can become overpopulated easily and fast) for the experiment first. They use the mice plenty of times to make sure the experiment is safe and humane and now that they are for certain this experiment will help they want to try it on the next best thing before a human; the primate. Scientists are not immoral and will not abuse using a primate. They understand the delicacy of testing and will use it to their best extent. I believe lacking the p11 gene is not the only thing that causes depression. There are many environmental and personal life factors that can contribute to making people more prone to the disease or make the disease worse if they already have it. I do believe people who lack this gene can cause depression from numerous things. Those being things such as experiencing a life changing event such as a tragedy, a catastrophic event in time, etc... There are so many reasons and ways this disease can be developed with or without the p11 gene. As to scientists using animals. I don't think they would risk their careers abusing their privelidge to use the animals as test subjects.
